Banyan Hypnosis Center Graduates 2006
Some photos on this page do not contain all of the students from each class.
All photos taken at our office or school unless noted otherwise
All feedback from students is used with their written permission.
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
November 2006
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

Click to enlarge photo
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
This is it! I've taken several courses and workshops to enhance my effectiveness as a hypnotherapist. Nothing else compares to the depth and scope of 5-PATH®. I have confidence that my practice will grow dramatically because of the skills I have learned.
Anna Barbosa, CH, MA, Houston, TX
This 2 week course was far, far better than I imagined. The 5-PATH® is very well thought out and layed out. With the 5-PATH® layout, you can use this technique to clear up just about anything a client comes in for. Cal is an excellent teacher: his demonstrations are amazing how quickly he gets a person into a deep trance. 7th Path™ is a nice addition that was unexpected. This is an experiential wonderland. Thanks,
Chuck Frank, CH, San Diego, CA
The class was Great. It was presented in a professional, orderly manner. The information was cutting-edge for hypnosis. I've learned more in two weeks with this course than I could have in years of trying to collect all the different parts and put them together myself. The bugs have been worked out and the systematic process has been refined to work well with all kinds of issues.
Julie Ausk, CH, Alice, ND
The class has basically been life-changing for me =) I didn't realize what I was in for and I know that my entire life will never been the same - it can only improve on many different levels - thank you for this valuable information.
Marjorie Clark-Cone, CH, San Clemente, CA
The Week of Power - Advanced Hypnosis Certification
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
October 2006
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

Click to enlarge photo
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
This was the most intense 7 days, rather journey you could give yourself. I came here curious and I'm leaving with strong conviction to live my life with as much love as I can muster up... and it will be returned to me 10 fold... 7th Path™ is the ANSWER...
Patti Kolacz, CH, Plymouth, MA
If you want to find an accelerated spiritual path - this is it!
Marie Smith, MA, CHt, Honolulu, HI
I wish I had taken the basics with you. I don't think the problems I have had implementing hypnosis would have occured. Since attending this class I was able to fill in the gaps AND learn the very powerful 5-PATH® way.
The 7th Path was an unexpected gift, and a very important part of developing myself as a spiritual being first and hypnotherapist second.
Aleda Muth, LCSW-R, CH, Tarrytown, NY
I've learned so much and am eager to start using it. Ditto 7th Path which I definitely plan to give classes for. I decided to stop TA/Gestalt training after 300 hours, though still believing strongly that it works. This approach has very similar qualities to what I learned there but is much more efficient than the previous training and can be done easily in individual sessions.
Jean Hobgood, BA, MEd, Eds, Norcross, GA
Mind-blowing, heart-opening, clarifying, renewing-restoring, informative, substantive, confidence-building, tools to do hypnotherpeutic healing work. "Grace" in a package. Thank you from my filled-to-overflowing heart! In tender loving kindness,
Carole Thorpe, CHt, CO, HCHI, CLEC, Mission Viejo, CA
This course is a very intensive, mind-blowing learning process - it's very well thought out and implemented, also thought provoking. I love the step-by-step technique that comes with 5-PATH®. This approach is so sensible and allows creativity whilst keeping you (the therapist) on the right track. Thank you for my teaching!
Vicky Etchells, CH, Victoria, BC, Canada
I would like to thank and congratulate Cal and Maureen Banyan for a great achievement in expanding their 5-PATH® & 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® beyond the traditional classroom. This week I attended the classroom "live and online - off-site" Week of Power Advanced Hypnotherapy 5 & 7th Path™ on my computer and highly recommend it as a valuable learning experience. It had the discipline of the classroom and all the possibilities of participation such as asking questions and participating with other students. Also any hand outs or information that the students in the class received, I also received in the mail the same day indicating how well it was orchestrated. Thanks again for this wonderful learning system of hypnosis.
Mark Darougar, CH, Huntington, New York
The things I truly appreciate about the instructor, Cal Banyan, are his passion for hypnotherapy; the depth and diversity of his knowledge and experience; and his clear commitment to training hypnotherapists who are "1%'ers" -- or the "cream of the crop." And that leads me to discuss what I liked most about the "Advanced Hypnotherapy" course. One thing is that the course taught concrete measurable techniques to determine whether a client has achieved depth of at least the Level 4 - Threshold of Somnambulism, which is necessary for Age Regression and for doing deeper work. The purpose, use, and technique of convincers was also very valuable and clearly explained, with many opportunities to practice. Indeed, we practiced daily for at least an hour at the end of each day.
Very importantly, Cal taught us about "the Secret Language of Feelings," which focuses on the role of emotions in the cause of problems and issues in our lives -- and how to use Age Regression to remove erroneous perceptions that cause feelings that we don't like; and how these erroneous feelings cause us to engage in dysfunctional, unhealthy behavious to distract ourselves away from the unwanted feelings.
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® is an amazing process to cleanse and focus the mind. It brings up all the negative self-talk and chatter in the mind, and allows time and space to get that out and let it go. After doing the practice several times for 1 week, I felt more positive, more clear, and more calm.
5-PATH® Hypnotherapy has provided me skills to feel more confident as a professional hypnotherapist -- and has left me knowing that I now truly have thereapeutic tools, skills, and practices that are useful, effective and valuable for clients -- to truly help them get results. I also feel more confident to charge clients a fee that reflects the time worth of my work. Thank you, Cal. What a blessing this course has been!
Nancy Jordon, CH, La Mesa, CA
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
September 2006
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

Click to enlarge photo
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
A life changing, wonderful experience.
John Casperson, CH, Laguna Hills, CA
Excellent course, only the actual experience can do this course justice. The combination of 5-PATH® & 7th Path™ made this course unique. Thank you Cal for this and for being a great teacher. You are a legend in the making.
Chor Eng, CH, San Diego, CA
The first word that came to mind is 'excellence'. There is an excellence expressed in the organization and presentation, and most certainly in the content. This is considerable work organized in such a way that people can grasp it, learn it and feel confident to actually use it. It was entirely thought through. There is good support, a system in place. A rich part of the course was the opportunity to practice and internalize that was learned. I see in some people a genious which is expressed in a focused clarity. Banyan has got that as regard to hypnotherapy, he has created something here and fortunately that clarity extends to his ability to teach it. All that and the work does you, which is to say that the expression of learning the work is a positively life altering experience.
Toby Wessel, BA, CH, Seattle, WA
Amazing! Second time was invaluable. I feel like the technical aspect of the 5-PATH® became so much clearer. I now have a better understanding of the flow & subtleties with the condifdence to do the work with ease and grace. Thank you, Cal!
Melissa Kress, MBA, CHt, Del Mar, CA
I started this training expecting to be certified and use this as an adjunct to my private as Marriage & Family Therapy. This course was life changing! I received my certification and much, much more! Thank you!
Leslie Davis, MA, RN, CH, Santa Barbara, CA
Fantastic! I loved it!
Nicole Cantik, BA, MBA, CH, Singapore
The Week of Power - Advanced Hypnosis Certification
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
August 2006
Held at the National Guild of Hypnotists National Convention, Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA

Click to enlarge photo
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
As someone who originally qualified with distance-learning, I found the Week of Power awesome and very aptly-named. I thought I was doing pretty well before, but now I feel like I'm doing at least twice as well! I would recommend this course to anyone who really cares about becoming the best in their field, including 5-PATHERS who have already taken the training previously. We're not called One Per Cent-ers for nothing!
Niki Cassar DCH, DHP, GQHP, UK
I thoroughly enjoyed the week of power. Cal's teaching was excellent and his wit, warm and wisdom made it a most enjoyable, enriching and enlightening experience.
Tricia Woolfrey FCIPD, MNLP, UK
I think now that I have been back in the field I have so much better an idea of what I received on the Week of Power. When I signed up for the training I thought it would be useful to have a structure around which I could process my work with clients. The training has certainly delivered on that score but what I had not expected was how generous and inspired a trainer Cal is. The love, care and attention he brings to his work is truly awesome and yet exactly as it should be! This means that, in my experience, the vast majority of trainers out there - and I have seen a fair few in my years - use training events as ego massaging and ownership staking of their particular patchworking of other people's reworking of previous ideas and that Cal brings training back to what it ought to be: the mindful garnering and harvesting of one lot of experience offered for the enrichment of one's peers and students.
Cal has inspired me to remember what I know and to believe in my ability to apply and develop the skills that I have been shaping with my senses over the years of my life. I am sitting so much more comfortably in myself and therefore so much more deft at what I am doing. The 5 'n 7 PATH system has brought a clarity and a wonderful ongoing international community of support to the development of my work. So thank you Cal Banyan, thank you.
Foszia Turner-Stylianou, CH , UK
5-PATH® has given me a system to follow so I feel like I know what I am supposed to do with my clients. The class was very comprehensive and I felt that I had all I needed to begin using 5-PATH®.
I purchased the online supervisions CD's during class. I must say it is the best money I've spent. It is an extension of what we talked about in class, but Cal goes into much more detail. I really appreciate the transcript of what is on the CD that is included. Usually I will transcribe a learning CD, so this has saved me a lot of time and work. This CD set is worth every penny I paid!
I think what impressed me the most was the amount of information that Cal shares with his students and the amount of information he puts in writing. That is so different from a lot of classes I've taken. Cal seems to go the extra mile and genuinely wants you to be successful.
Thanks for a Great Learning experience.
Debbie Preston, CH, New Hampshire
"The Week of Power was a review of 5-PATH® and 7th Path™ for me. There is so much useful information and insight packed into one week! The second time through I absorbed even more of it.
I've taken classes all over the country and this one is the best by far. It wraps all the theory and practice into a logical and organized process, one that can really be applied with clients. Now I know what to do in each session... and what comes next.
Cal Banyan's Week of Power really pulls everything together. If anyone is floundering with clients or feeling like they are "winging it", I think they should take Cal's class. It is so worth the money and the time! Everything is covered; the 5-PATH® hypnosis processes, getting started, booking clients, advertising, ethics, and even expanding to a hypnosis center. The learning doesn't stop with certification; Cal continues to support his graduates with his supervision CDs, online information and groups' interaction.
Cal and Maureen Banyan are a great team; their practice is an excellent model to emulate and they are very willing to share their experiences.
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® is a unique process teaching clients how to clear their own issues and allow abundance. I don't know of another process like it! The class interaction and Cal's support during 7th Path is an experience I won't forget.
You've heard the rest, now learn from the best! Be a 1%-er!
Thank You, Cal, Maureen and all the classmates in The Week of Power at NGH'06!
Cindy Brooks, CH, New Hampshire
"My week of learning 5 path was far more then I expected.
Even though I was feeling good about my 4 years of working with clients,I was ready for something more powerful. I was especially impressed with the regression and forgiveness part of the training and started using the techniques immediately upon returning home. I am thrilled with the results so far and look forward to helping a lot of people in the future. Thankyou Cal Banyan for the excellent training. Thankyou to Maureen for the great phone tips which work very well.All the best...
Wanda Mang, CH, Canada
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
May 2006
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

Click to enlarge photo
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
The most well-structured and impressive process for creating lasting, positive changes in clients for just about any problem that I've seen. The class not only greatly improved my knowledge, skill, and confidence in hypnosis, but has taught me a great deal about myself.
Michael Foss, CH
Fantastic! Profound awakening of mind, body & spirit. Highly recommended, not just for prospective hypnotherapists, but for anyone seeking self-improvement and awareness. Bravo, Cal!
Michael Hawes, CH
I've experienced indirect (Ericksonian) hypnotherapy training from Germany; now I can use 5-PATH® and I appreciate having it in my toolbox.
Karsten Noack, CH
I had a wonderful experience during the training. Learning 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® was more beneficial than I ever imagined. I felt much more confident in working with clients simply by learning and practicing the 7th Path. The 5-PATH® process is a very complete and systematic program, which Cal more than adequately explained! Cal took so much time to make sure everything was understood to the fullest extent. The resources after the program are very helpful and the availability to contact Cal after the course was more than I expected. I was very impressed with the course and the level of caring and concern with each student
Brittany Lawler, BA, CH
New Certified Professional
Hypnosis Instructors (CPHI)
April 2006
Only Experienced 5-PATH® and 7th Path™ Trained Hypnotists Qualify to Even Take this Course - Congratulations!
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

Click to enlarge photo
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
Feedback Coming Soon!
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
March 2006
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

Click to enlarge photo
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
Cal, I loved your course. It exceeded all my expectations, learning 7th Path was such a wonderful surprise! I enjoyed all the metaphysical tidbits, your class is a thinly veiled mystery school disguised as a Hypnosis course. Thank you!
Rev. Tahira Ariel Darling, C.H.
Calvin is extremely passionate about his work. This work is his passion. Passion create passion. I am now Passionate. Blessings!
Teasha Elder, R.M., C.H.
I found the course itself a well structured program that covered basic to advanced hypnosis & hypnotherapy very well. But the course becomes so much more, because Cal doesn't just teach the course-he shares his knowledge and passion. And as the students become friends, we all learn and grow together. Through this course I've gained knowledge, insight, friends, and so much more. Thank you.
Michael P. Johnson, C.H.
It is rare for me to find a field where the expert in that field is as skilled an instructor as he is a specialist. Cal's ability to be the expert and still teach from his expertise created a learning environment filled with professionalism, integrity and value. A systematic approach with enough flexibility to accommodate the various learning styles made this a rewarding experience, not only from the perspective of a student of hypnosis, but as a person who travels and teaches. I love good teachers, and Cal's mastery of the subject of hypnosis and his obvious love of teaching is inspiring! I came for hypnosis, but I received so very much more. Thank you!
Lori Hurley, C.H.
This class was much more than I ever imagined it could be, it has truth and love vibrating through every lesson.
Michael J Griese
This is truly a holistic, life rejuvenating, body-mind-spirit integrated pathway to discover the "universe within". A life transforming experience that could create a new world order on the platform of love, harmony, internal peace and global goodness. This program takes us to a greater depth beyond the boundaries of human intellect and denominationalized consciousness. With this program, inner peace and bliss is now within reach. Cal Banyan is the new messiah of hypnotism and hypnotherapy.
Steve Rajan, BBA, MBA, PhD.
Outstanding! I wasn't sure what to expect really, I was impressed by the intensity. I was amazed as to how it all came together so well right at the end. Without a doubt the most difficult yet rewarding class I have ever attended. Cal is one of the Greatest Hypnotists in the world and it was an honor to be trained by him. I honestly feel he has the recipe for world peace with 7th Path and I would like to thank him for the chance to share this with others.
Scott Kevin Winger, C.H.
The course was excellent! A very good learning opportunity as well as self-improvement and business opportunity. My partner and I are very excited about starting a hypnosis business and staying "On the Path".
Susan Egland, C.H., CTM, BScME
It was a life changing experience. 7th Path has been a God send (Delta send!?) to me personally. I plan on using and training 7th Path for the rest of my life. Cal Banyan's teaching methods are top-notch and made me look forward to coming to class each and every day.
Ray Fenner, C.H.
As a practicing psychotherapist, I am awed! Cal's authenticity & spirituality shines through in his dedication to development of material that gives practitioners a tool to help clients heal quickly. 7th Path is the greatest meditation I have ever experienced to integrate mind, body, spirit and release negative emotions. It is life changing and world-changing.
Sylvia L. Albers, MA, LPC, C.H.
This course and everything else that I have been learning in those two weeks of training have been truly life changing for me. I feel that I do have the responsibility now to fulfil "my calling" to bring it to as many people that want it and need it as I can. Thanks.
Alexandra Bley
I thought this course was fantastic and a lot more than I bargained for... very inspiring and eye opening of my own insight! I am very pleased with the instructor and his patience. This course is a great gift and to have such an unselfish teacher share his knowledge and wisdom with me in something I will never forget. I'm proud to have been in this class with my peers and I'm proud to have been taught by Cal Banyan.
Dakota Black Hawke, PhD, C.H.
This course far exceeded my expectations of becoming a hypnotist. 7th Path seems to be facilitating a paradigm shift within. I find incredible potential for both 5-PATH® & 7th Path styles. Cal has done a great service for each of us and those we will affect.
Troy Bledsoe, C.H.
Completely thorough program, life altering, mind changing, soul shaking, beautiful and genius concepts. You will finally find who you are-oh yeah, Cal's good too.
Elizabeth Skindelien, C.H.
I feel like I've learned and grew lots during this class. I very much look forward to helping others with 5-PATH® & 7th Path!
Bradley D Scharber, C.H.
I knew this class would be a challenge. I was very impressed with Cal Banyan as an instructor. I have learned so many things about myself that I did not know. I am grateful for the insight into myself. I think that both of you, Cal and Maureen, are like parents to me; I feel as if I was meant to be here. Without this program and learning experience I think I would still be sitting still.
Chantal Marie Cash, C.H.
Cal: Excellent! A superb instructor! Organized, intelligent material. A usable, exciting, healing-offering program. With the tools from this class, I can see myself actually creating a business that I feel glad to offer and excited to create. I love the integration of mind, body, spirit, emotion! I've long believed that healing occurs in the integration of these dimensions. Traditional therapy doesn't easily allow for the addressing of this concern.
I've been looking for an integrated, practical, yet exciting/challenging, "career"/purpose. This has it all. 7th Path™ is a marvelous tool/gift to raise our collective vibration for the age we are entering and the work that needs to be done. I'm looking forward to experiencing 5 Path™, myself, to "know" it from the inside-out, and continue to peel back the layers of my "onion-self".
I was truly amazed how Cal's metaphysical views/position are in direct alignment with mine. I had not expected that. I had expected a good hypnosis course. It was exciting to experience a whole life system that really works, teaches, and heals on a metaphysical level.
Thank you for your research, experience, organization, resource material, humor and intelligent insight! I want to practice and teach 7th Path and teach the "Secret Language of Feelings"!
Judith A. Froemming, BA, CTC, C.H.
Profoundly life changing, also enabling me to help others to make profound, positive life changes. I feel overwhelmed by the thought of the possibilities for 5-PATH® & 7th Path. These are God given gifts & I'd like to thank you for sharing the gifts with all of us. May God bless you and your family on your journey!
John Gisslen, C.H.
The course exceeded my expectations! To have attended the course means to me that I have been spiritually chosen.
James L. Rasmussen, C.H.
It was a time of incredable learning and personal healing. Thank you.
Scott Craven, BA, C.H.
Instructor - personal, well knowledgable, presented course work very well - well organized. Good job!
Nathaniel Dickerson, C.H.
Great experience!
Radu Rasidescu, MiSc, M.Eng, MBA, C.H.
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teachers Course
- Ultimate Recognitions
January 2006
Few Hypnotists Qualify to Even Take this Course Congratulations!
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

Click to enlarge photo
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and
Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
As I worked with the ultimate recognitions, I understood delta's energy and became a part of this source. It is apparent to me that these ultimate recognitions came from delta. Very powerful.
Randy Cook
Thank you very much for this deep experience. I am looking forward to practicing these recognitions and gaining new insights.
Ludmila Frolova
It was good to be able to expand on the recognitions and I am eager to see the lasting effects. It was a nice two day getaway.
Adam Fistler
Ultimate recognition class is perfection! Everyone should schedule going to this class when they have completed the 7th-PATH® class. The ultimate recognitions bring everything together, bringing forth life understanding - 'Why am I here?' The understanding is holistic; body, mind and spirit!
Cheryl Lundholm
I'm very excited to get started practicing the ultimate recognitions! Once again, surprising and enlightening. More layers uncovered to work on. Very powerful!
Anne Murphy
Great class! Definitely an excellent (or ultimate!) experience. I'm so glad I signed up in spite of a busy schedule. Thank you Cal and Maureen!
Susan Just
Past Graduates

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- See Classes from 2014
- See Classes from 2013
- See Classes from 2012
- See Classes from 2011
- See Classes from 2010
- See Classes from 2009
- See Classes from 2008
- See Classes from 2007
- See Classes from 2006
- See Classes from 2005
- See Classes from 2004
- See Classes from 2003
- See Classes from 2002
- See Classes from 2001
- See Classes from 2000
- See Classes from 1999
Contact information for graduates can be found at
Hypnosis Certification Course Schedule
Click Here to enroll online or get more details
November 14 - 20, 2021 Early Registration Discounts Available.
NOTE: To learn more about each instructor and class offered you must select one of the above. Enrollment is done on the pages linked above.
Bonus Book

When you enroll in this course we will immediately send you a copy of the best- selling book by Calvin D. Banyan and Gerald F. Kein, Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: Basic to Advanced Techniques for the Professional, so you can get a head start on the course.