Banyan Hypnosis Center Graduates 2003
Some photos on this page do not contain all of the students from each class.
All photos taken at our office or school unless noted otherwise
All feedback from students is used with their written permission.
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
November 2003
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

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Great school. Great Experience. Great group.
Teresa A. Gurley, B.A., Certified Hypnotherapist
This week was so awesome. I can't even put it into words right now. I'm too busy trying to regroup. That need to regroup is a good thing. :-) Thank you and God Bless you and those you love.
Debi McKenzie, B.A., C.A.D.C., Certified Hypnotherapist
This has been a wonderful experience. I have learned so much and, I know I will learn 10 times more when I get home to review all of the materials I received. The 5-PATH® Program is an exciting Therapy tool that I cannot wait to put into practice. 7th Path™ is a Spiritual Journey that I have begun and I will be able to continue to grow and improve myself using this tool.
Sandra Sherley, Certified Hypnotherapist
Everyone at the [Banyan] Hypnosis Center was very helpful. Maureen and Cal are wonderful. Cal is a Great Instructor and It was easier for me to soak all the information/emotions we had throughout the week. I look forward to the future & spreading the 7th Path way to each person I can get my hands on! Thank you both every much for 9 days of hypnosis fun. I look forward to helping myself and my family or whoever I may touch with what I've learned from Cal. Thanks again!
Penny Lynn Boatman, Certified Hypnotherapist
I appreciate the professional level that this class was taught. I was pleased that every possible minute was used for training & practice. I am glad there was time to practice. The videos & class examples were helpful. The book (Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: Basic to Advanced Techniques for the Professional) is excellent. All of the handouts were helpful. I feel that Cal & Maureen want me to be successful, as much as I want to succeed. The ongoing support will be highly beneficial. Being able to use sales material (videos, etc.) will be a great reinforcing aid. (I am so glad Matilda and I are here together. We are going to study and go into practice together!)
Roxy Baxter, M.A., L.M.T, Certified Hypnotherapist
Incredible volume of information effectively condensed into available time. Cal has incredible insight, both into the subject matter and teaching technique. This combination gave me value far in excess of the investment made to attend. Maureen sets a standard of hosting a course that is a goal to strive for in any similar situation.
LeRoy F. Miller, III, Certified Hypnotherapist
This course was so much more than I ever expected. Learning hypnosis is the easy part. By including 7th Path in the course, it became a deep life changing event. In just a few days I have released so much emotion I feel lighter and better. I have not come this far in 2 years of therapy with a Psychologist. The tools that I have received in this course can always be with me. There was more information given out during the course than I expected. Everything was explained in depth. Questions were answered. Everyone was great.
Tricia Johnson, Certified Hypnotherapist
Went beyond my expectations. I learned more than I ever thought possible in 9 days. The experience went far beyond my career change. It changed my life. Cal is an exceptional teacher and wonderful person. Maureen makes everyone feel at home and very welcome. She also keeps us all very well fed. Great food. Great education and life changing experience.
Shohn Steeves, B.S., Certified Hypnotherapist
I wanted to thank you and Maureen for the wonderful experience during the 9 day training and for your kindness and hospitality (please let Maureen know). I found the 9 days to be an energizing experience and came home with more energy than I thought I would have. You would think spending 10 to 12 hour days in an intense seminar/training environment would be draining, but I experienced just the opposite. What I especially liked about the training was the practical experience of doing the inductions and other exercises. Practicing what was being taught was an important part of the learning experience and helped give me confidence that I could actually do this. As I am reviewing my notes and going through the literature and starting to watch the videos, I am coming up with questions that I will be forwarding to you as I go along. I realize that the learning process has just begun and I intend to devote some serious time and effort with it. When you first introduced the 7th Path in class I wasn't sure how that was fitting into what you were teaching, but now I realize that it was an integral part of the whole learning process. I am starting to have a better understanding of how it relates to the 5 PATH work and how it is an important process for me to go through. I found your delivery to be informal enough which helped build that trust and rapport early on. You easily held my attention for the entire 9 days time and provided a comfortable learning environment. I loved the training, and that is an unqualified affirmation. I feel this was one of the best training programs I have experienced (and I have been part of some remarkable training programs over the past 35 years).
Ray Stiles, B.S., Certified Hypnotherapist
Where do I even begin?! When class first began, everything seemed so foreign and so confusing--there was just so much to learn. But, here it is the last day, and we've had the opportunity after opportunity to practice--plus, you've answered our questions really forced us to become actively involved in the learning process, now it all seems to much easier. Now I really want to go home and continue both 7th Path™ and 5-PATH® for myself and to help others. I know all it will take is practice, practice, practice of what I've just learned to become really adept. Thanks for the new outlook--I'm ready & recharged. I'm truly, deeply so grateful for knowing a way to help me on "my" Path so I don't have to just tough it out myself!
Thank you --
Thank you --
Thank you -- There are no words.
Matilda Moore, M.A., Certified Hypnotherapist
The Week of Power - Advanced Hypnosis Certification
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
October 2003
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

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Course and instructor were excellent. Very useful, organized logical information presented by a committed knowledgeable instructor.
Sharon O'Connor, R.N., Certified Hypnotherapist.
This course was much more than I had even anticipated. Cal was very thorough and very generous with sharing his knowledge on the 5-PATH, 7th Path and hypnosis in general. I feel so much more prepared ad excited to start my practice. The best training by far that I have received so far. Highly, highly recommended. Thank you very much.
Marilyn Betlach, Certified Hypnotherapist, River Falls, WI
I was anticipating being exposed to the systematic abreactive hypnotherapy, and what I got was a "Tour de Epitome of Hypnotherapy Practice." I appreciated you sharing and revealing not only the system, but many small yet highly significant details and elements which have helped you [Calvin Banyan] to become so profoundly successful, all of which have come to you at a price of experience and exploration.
Randy Shaw, L.S./M.F.T., Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Salt Lake City, UT
This class has transformed me as a hypnotherapist. There was a lot of information but it was so well presented, with superior supporting material, handouts, scripts, videos and opportunities to practice that I feel confident and excited to begin helping my clients with these powerful processes. My own experience with 7th Path™ has been enlightening. Thank you Cal. This week has flown by.
Lynda Malerstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Hollywood, CA
This "Week of Power" is so much more than that! The 5-PATH® methodology is ingenious in its simplistic approach to complex theories. 7th Path intertwines with 5-PATH , bringing the past into the future and beyond. As a practicing 5-PATH® practitioner, this week was invaluable in reviewing & extending my knowledge base. 7th Path™ is the cherry at the top of the Sundae! Thank you! Thank you!
Jean Conway, Certified Hypnotherapist
I am very thankful for the opportunity to retake this course for free. This time the course was 10 times more powerful for me. This is a course that changes worldviews & Cal Banyan is the greatest teacher I have had.
Margarita Videnova-Lett, Certified Hypnotherapist, Vadnais Heights, MN
This class has been more than I ever expected. Cal is very knowledgeable about all the subject matter and is able to pass on this information in a remarkable manner. He is has made me feel like I can really use all of these techniques to help my clients.
Paul Lof, B.S., Certified Hypnotherapist, Des Moine, IA
The course far exceeded my expectations although these were already high having seen the website and read the books. Cal is an exceptional teacher and his message is all the more powerful as it is rooted in his varied life experiences. I would advise anyone considering training in an advanced hypnotherapy to make sure they sign on for Cal's course. They will not regret it. Both 5-PATH® and 7th Path™ are life changing--without exaggeration. These are powerful tools of transformation.
Peter Newell, L.L.B. (Law Degree), Certified Hypnotherapist, London, U.K.
This is my second time in the class and it was very good. I learned as much this time as I did the first.
Richard Cullen, Certified Hypnotherapist, Lakeville, MN
Excellent presentation of a very organized and well thought out process. This process and training is so simple yet very POWERFUL. It has really demystified age regression and forgiveness therapy for me. I am thrilled to have a systematic approach to deal with any issue a client may have. Thank you. I am grateful to have a practical tool for myself and others. I can look forward to seeing where 7th Path™ leads me.
Cassandra Atherton, B.A., Certified Hypnotherapist, San Francisco, CA
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
September 2003
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

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My objective in taking this course was to learn and observe techniques of induction. This was very nicely realized with good practice sessions as well. However, the course gave me much additional insight and benefit with the teaching of the 5-PATH® and 7th Path™ therapies, the staff were very pleasant and capable. The instruction by Mr. Banyan was well organized, presented with enthusiasm and incorporated good time for discussion.
Boone B.Owens, Ph.D. [Physical Sciences], Certified Hypnotherapist, Wrightsville, NC
It's always a pleasure to take a course when the teacher is not only knowledgeable but has a passion for his art. I can honestly say I got sooo much more out of this class than I ever expected to, and I'm sure anyone else who has taken it knows exactly what I mean!
Heidi Bauer, R.N.C., Certified Hypnotherapist - WI
Overall, a fantastic course, expertly delivered and reflecting a great deal of thoughtful research,
Tim Murphy, B.S., Certified Hypnotherapist, Quebec, Canada
The course content has both taught and enriched skills for me (and eventually my clients) to be proactive in a positive manner to life's situations as well as to grow and benefit from the past. The instructor was clear, organized, receptive to questions and encouraged participation,
Jackie Ledo, Certified Hypnotherapist, North Branch, MN
This course is what I have been searching for. I've been the dark for 13 years. Not anymore!! My thought process alone is more clear, not to mention the absolutely amazing techniques that I've learned to help others. Thank you!!!
Trudee Olson, M.T., Certified Hypnotherapist, Coon Rapids, MN
I wasn't really sure why I took this course. It just 'happened.' It still surprises me. But I think now that I was guided. I look forward with excitement to my future with hypnosis!
Suzan K. Kendall, R.N., Certified Hypnotherapist, Chaska, MN
The Week of Power - Advanced Hypnosis Certification
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
August 2003
- Nashua, New Hampshire

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NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
July 2003
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

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June 2003
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

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The Week of Power - Advanced Hypnosis Certification
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
April 2003
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

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The Week of Power - Advanced Hypnosis Certification
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
March 2003
Held at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc., Minnesota, USA

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NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
Class of March 2003

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Boot Camp for Hypnotherapists" explains it all. It's been a complete experience of learning and feeling the power of hypnosis. This course is Awesome!
Jim Ferris, Certified Hypnotherapist - Minnesota
Excellent training! I feel like I have the tools I need to start a hypnosis practice. The changes through 7th Path exceed my expectations. I'm experiencing much more emotional change/release than I'd expected.
Tim Wargo, B.A., Certified Hypnotherapist - Minnesota
I thought I came here for training in a new profession and this course far exceeded my expectations. I know I have found the work that I came here to do, and that it will nourish me. But I really came here to find myself and I love the wonderful woman that I found.
Nancy James, R.N., Certified Hypnotherapist - Oklahoma
This is an excellent course, better than many of the graduate courses I've had. I got far more out of it than I expected.
Steven Boman, M.Div, B.A., Certified Hypnotherapist - Minnesota
People come to this course to learn hypnosis but leave with a more thorough understanding of life. I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to learn about the mind and how the body and spirit are impacted directly. The instructor (Cal Banyan) is not only a master hypnotist but a master instructor as well. Calvin is extremely professional and knowledgeable and does a fantastic job of presentation. The bottom line is that I really felt cared about while here. My highest recommendation!
James Kinney, B.A., Certified Hypnotherapist - North Carolina
Cal Banyan has a passion for hypnotherapy that is contagious. This course both motivates and provides the necessary tools to begin a practice with confidence. It delivers on it's promises ten times over. Thank you!
Juli Wagner, M.A., Certified Hypnotherapist - Minnesota
This has been a challenging and interesting course. I really enjoyed Cal's sense of humor. There is a lot of material covered in this class and Cal's presentation style is conducive to learning. I benefited greatly from working with my peers in the course. Everyone was wonderful! 7th Path and 5-PATH® are great.
Troy Bruns, M.A., L.P.C., C.A.D.C III, Certified Hypnotherapist - Minnesota
This workshop gave me all the tools I need to enhance my Women's Health Care career. Cal gave me a solid hypnosis knowledge base. Many hands on practice opportunities and the day to day hypno office practice guidelines. The class time was enhanced by his quick wit and masterful teaching techniques. 7th Path has already relieved many of my fibromyalgia symptoms and has started me on the road to emotional and physical health and wellness. Lastly, the camaraderie with the other students was awesome! We plan to maintain our friendships via e-mail and meet at the NGH conference . It is time and money very well spent. Take the 1st step to a new you!
Marifran Cooper, M.S., R.N.C., N.P., Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
Cal's passion, compassion and mastery of his subject is inspiring. He teaches with joy, humor and enthusiasm. The course content, and more importantly the context, has equipped me to be a better hypnotherapist and human being. If you come with the attitude, you will experience a significant personal and professional growth that will surprise and delight and shake up your world and connect you to yourself. Oh, and you also learn a very, very powerful and reliable body of knowledge and skills to advance the growth of your clients in quick time!
Andrew Eales, Certified Hypnotherapist - London, U.K.
I came to this class hoping to acquire the skill to help others--particularly children. Not only was this accomplished, but to my great surprise it helped me more than anything I've sought up to this point in my life. The affirmation of my life-long beliefs has filled me with the greatest sense relief & confidence & peace. The way "out" is truly "through." Thank you, Cal Banyan, Master Cal, for showing me the "Path." God bless you, your beautiful family, and all those who (and who do not) seek out your beautiful message. Blessed Be. P.S. To Maureen, Thank you for the love and care.
Laure A. Mc Ginnis, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
Wonderful, powerful, inspiration brings on such personal change in the most positive way. Everyone should be made to take this course. An awakening takes place deep within you, mind, body and spirit. I am on the path to health... Calvin is a gift to all that crosses his path. But most of all he sees each and everyone as a gift to him. He is truthful, kind, understanding, full of insight and information that comes straight from his heart. You will walk away stronger, free from old programming that has stopped you from living your life. I am grateful to have crossed his path. From the day you walk in the door to the day you leave, constant learning and growing takes place within you and all that are in his course. Thank you so much. In Love and Light. It is the best.
Frances A. Carns, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
The Week of Power - Advanced Hypnosis Certification
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
January/February 2003
New York City,

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This is a phenomenal life changing course that provides you with the proper tools to become an excellent hypnotherapist as it heals your own physical, mental and emotional imbalances along the way. Cal Banyan is a wonderful, intelligent, compassionate and sincere teacher, healer and leader. I recommend 5-PATHand 7th Path combined as a leading state of the art therapy that really works.
Maya M. Caceres, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
Without a doubt, this is the best course I have ever taken in hypnosis! The content was clearly presented and we were given many handouts for future reference! This course will definitely help me take my hypnosis business to a higher level. Cal is a phenomenal teacher! In addition the 7th Path has been a life changing experience for me!
Myrna F. Moxam, RN, BSN, CHBE, Certified Hypnotherapist - Delaware
This was my second time with this training. I learned more information this time around and it reaffirmed what I knew. It was great! I am a more effective hypnotherapist because I went through the training again.
Beth Keil, BSN, CHBE, Certified Hypnotherapist - Delaware
The second time is the charm. Having seen clients since the first time I took the class, I can fully appreciate and understand Cal's methods for seeing clients. Because of that, I was fully prepared and confident with my first clients. Cal is very inspirational, sincere and passionate in teaching hypnotherapy. He proves to be a "Master o f Hypnosis" every time.
Edgar Malaran, BA, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
The course is really great. 5-PATH is a powerful systematic approach to hypnotherapy for permanent change. It is really beautiful in its simplicity. Cal teaches the method very thoroughly in an interesting and engaging style. In addition, the 7th Path instruction and practice provides an amazing transformational experience. It was well worth the price of the course. I left wanting more. I can't wait until Cal comes back to NY so I can repeat the course.
Cindy Briolotta, MA, MS, CMH, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
Cal, your 5-PATH® makes so much sense. I had taken an age regression course with someone else years ago and they were definitely leaving out the very important pre-ISE phase. There was also no informed child technique which I realize now is very important. There definitely was not Forgiveness of Others or Forgiveness of Self phases used. Rather everything was mixed in together. The way you have it becomes fool proof.
Freda Kreiner, LCSW, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
This course was worth every penny spent. I thought I was coming to learn how to better serve clients, what I got was so much more - 7th Path! I am transforming right before my eyes. So, now I know that I can and will be effective with my clients and I look forward to seeing them transform right before my eyes. Cal is an amazing trainer, I enjoyed his energy and enthusiasm. Cal's systematic approach makes sense and builds confidence in handling whatever comes up with a client.
Shauntay Williams, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
I found the course given in such a way that most anyone could understand what is going on. It is empowering to be instructed by someone who has a passion for his subject. It makes the student want to learn.
James E. Walker, Jr. Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
The course was excellent as was the instructor. The course delivered so much more than I expected. Being exposed to 7th Path has allowed me to explore feelings which I had believed for some time to be held in check. Knowing that I hadn't released all the feelings that I thought I had was a real eye opener.
Michael Anthony Hurley, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist - New Jersey
Great - Lots of good stuff. The structure led us along and made it easy to follow. Cal has a style that I like and it feels right to be here. Thanks Cal.
Bill Lukas, BA, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
Excellent!!! Plus. Plus. Plus. Okay, I wish you had a bigger TV screen [in the classroom], but I also wish I drove a Mercedes coupe.
John Petrocelli, BS, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
I came expecting to learn a lot in order to integrate the new information with what I had. I leave expecting to model the 5-PATH® and 7th Path™ exactly as taught. Cal Banyan is very organized, energetic, understanding and patient, educator. He gives the student a relaxed atmosphere to learn, inducing optimum learning.
Garrett Buttel, MA, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
Finally, an instructor that actually puts everything together in an easy to learn and comprehensive manner. I now believe that I will be able to retain everything I've learned and help my clients in a more positive and systematic approach to ensure that everyone gets the change they want and deserve. I WILL RECOMMEND CAL TO EVERYONE!!
Michael R. Bosche, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
I wish this course was either twice as long or that a Level III was available in the future. This course is a guide to success. The instructor truly cares about the students' success.
Eugene Goldstein, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
Cal Banyan is a phenomenal instructor and coach. I gained a tremendous number of new skills allowing me the flexibility and creativity to practice the craft of hypnotherapy successfully!
Clifton C. R. Foreman, Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
Congratulations to Cal Banyan for a wonderfully succinct and comprehensive class. He demonstrates a level of professionalism that is unparalleled. His teaching style is very effective. He is warm and compassionate with tremendous clinical skills. It was a very rewarding class and well worth every penny.
Walter Blick, M.S., O.T.R./L., Certified Hypnotherapist - New York
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course
with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
Class of January 2003

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The class was jam-packed with great information, not only pertaining to hypnosis techniques, but the hypnotherapy business...
Kimberly Volk, B.S., Certified Hypnotherapist - Minnesota
This course provided excellent training in doing hypnosis and I feel fully able to do inductions and age regression. The 7th Path part of the course was also very enlightening and I experienced significant insights.
Annalesa Klein, Certified Hypnotherapist - Canada
Cal is wonderful the second time around. I retook the class after a 2 year hiatus and found all the information more manageable and intelligible than ever before. 5-PATH and 7th Path are the most powerful transforming tools I have ever found!
Franklin R. Victorson,Certified Hypnotherapist - Minnesota
I have not experienced a more whole approach in the area of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis! I recommend this class to anyone who wishes to learn the best and latest in effective techniques for improvement of existing skills as well improvement of self. Taking this class as been a truly rewarding experience!
Jennifer Braden, Certified Hypnotherapist - Minnesota
The course was very interesting and life fulfilling. 7th Path taught me a true understanding of myself and also made me realize what baggage I have been carrying. It feels good to let that go. I came into the class with high expectations (considering I work here and have heard all about it for quite some time). My expectations were met. Cal is very knowledgeable about his work and he truly enjoys teaching. At times I became a little overwhelmed, but soon overcame that. I am confidant to go out and do the work. (I have two clients ready to go next week.)
Erin Peterson, B.A., Certified Hypnotherapist - Minnesota
Past Graduates

- See Classes from 2017
- See Classes from 2016
- See Classes from 2015
- See Classes from 2014
- See Classes from 2013
- See Classes from 2012
- See Classes from 2011
- See Classes from 2010
- See Classes from 2009
- See Classes from 2008
- See Classes from 2007
- See Classes from 2006
- See Classes from 2005
- See Classes from 2004
- See Classes from 2003
- See Classes from 2002
- See Classes from 2001
- See Classes from 2000
- See Classes from 1999
Contact information for graduates can be found at
Hypnosis Certification Course Schedule
Click Here to enroll online or get more details
November 14 - 20, 2021 Early Registration Discounts Available.
NOTE: To learn more about each instructor and class offered you must select one of the above. Enrollment is done on the pages linked above.
Bonus Book

When you enroll in this course we will immediately send you a copy of the best- selling book by Calvin D. Banyan and Gerald F. Kein, Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: Basic to Advanced Techniques for the Professional, so you can get a head start on the course.