What Our Clients Are Saying About The Hypnosis Center!
Welcome to our client feedback page. Doing hypnotherapy is one of the most satisfying forms of psychotherapeutic work because success is rapid and our clients give us such positive feedback. We have many such letters on display in our office and file. Here are some examples!
Click on photos to enlarge.
Alcohol Abuse

The power of hypnosis & self-hypnosis is unbelievable. I had no problem staying away from the tavern U night clubs since my happy little visit with Cal...
I've had many tests of my will to avoid having a drink. And the feeling of refusing is a great feeling.
Breaking Life Long Habits

I hope you remember me - I used to bite my nails so far down that they were painful. My 3 hypnotherapy sessions had a lasting impact & my nails are still long.
Thank you,
Michelle Nadeau
Click on the picture of one or our recent hypno-babies! And learn more about HypnoBirthing. We are so proud of the services that we provide. We think that after you come in you will feel the same out our commitment to being the best hypnosis center in the upper mid-west.
Hypnosis For Natural Childbirth

Overall, we feel that the HypnoBirthing classes were wonderful, insightful and helpful and would do it all over again.
Thank you so much for your help, we couldn't have done it without you.
Thank you,
Wendy and Ben Anderson (and Kyle and Colin)
Thank you Gerald Kein for your very kind and encouraging words! It means a lot to me. See the letter below.
Gerald Kein has been teaching hypnosis for over 25 years. Among the hypnotists that are "in the know," he is thought to be one of the finest trainers of hypnosis and hypnotherapy in the world. I actually blushed when I read this letter. It is now hanging in our front office.
Dear Cal:
I have been meaning to write to you for quite a while. I just want to say how very pleased I am at your success and growth in our wonderful profession...
I am totally impressed with your constant professionalism in the way you built your facility, trained your staff and conduct your business. I know, without a doubt, you are now one of the finest hypnotherapists and hypnosis trainers in the country and are becoming even better daily.

I visited your web page yesterday and again was more than impressed. Once again your absolute commitment to professionalism shines through... It makes me feel fulfilled that in some small way I contributed to your achievement.
I truly wish you continued success and growth...
With warmest regards,
Gerald F. Kein
Thank you Jerry. You are the greatest!
Thank you for your wonderful letter and thank you for getting me off to such a good start in the profession. I have learned so much from you personally and your videos. I highly recommend your videos to all of my students, they are each worth their weight in gold!
With my greatest respect and appreciation,
Calvin Banyan, MA, BCH, CI
CEO and Supervising Hypnotherapist
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We present a few of the letters of thanks here for you to read. Because an individual's hand writing can be difficult to read, and because providing you a copy of the letter requires some computer time to down load, we first offer you a "thumbnail" copy of the letter on the left and a typed version on right.
If you would like to see and read the actual letter yourself, just click on the "thumbnail", and the letter will be displayed (approximately full sized).
Note that the thumbnail graphic does not have to load before you can click on that space and go to the full-sized graphic of the letter, which usually takes only 10 to 60 seconds to load, at 28k baud (approximately).

Thank you for helping me become a non-smoker! It was a great experience that I hope to repeat (hypnosis), tho I'll have to find a different reason. Hypnosis was all I ever hoped it would be, & worked even better than I expected.
Thanks again!
Barb B.P.S. Thanks for helping my mother... You've ...changed her life.
Weight Loss

Originally, I came to see you, because I was looking for a 'magic cure' to end my love/hate relationship with eating and my weight. I wanted to halt my ever increasing weight gain, lose weight and keep it off!....I was skeptical about hypnosis.... ...I have tried many, many ways of losing weight over the years.
You and your program are wonderful. My entire mind set feels changed, not only about food, but about myself and my feelings in general.
I have been losing weight, surprisingly easily and comfortably.... What an incredible journey you have guided me through.
I am eternally grateful, maybe I did find the 'magic' I was looking for, after all.
Affection/Intimacy Issues

Thank you for helping me get back my affection. I feel now like I have so much affection that I don't know what to do with it all. I give affection to my family and there is still a lot more.
With only that one session it is amazing. With gaining that affection my relationship with my husband has sky rocketed to the moon, it freaks him out all the time. I can even handle all the affection my kids love to give me that they don't stop.
I didn't realize that there was that much love stuck in me, and you help release it all. And, as of today, my father saw first hand that I do have affection and he is totally shaken by the whole thing. I guess he was just wondering why other doctors couldn't help me, and then to see that hypnosis has worked wonders on his daughter, he is thrilled to have his happy little girl back.
But, thank you again for opening those doors and letting me get it out there (love that is).

Thank you for helping me to quit smoking. I had my doubts..... I tried gum, patches, cold turkey and totally made my family miserable... ...I haven't had a cigarette in over a month now. I am so impressed!! I will certainly recommend hypnosis to my friends because it really worked for me!
Thank you so much!
George Proust
P.S. And I didn't gain any weight, and I didn't suffer, and it was fun too!
Natural Childbirth With Hypnosis - HypnoBirthing®

...and our daughter Kaitlyn. She was born last Thursday at Methodist Hospital and is a very healthy, peaceful and bright little girl. My labor was so easy that I actually had a lot of fun the day she was born.
The entire medical staff was astounded by the ease of my labor, since this is my first child and I did not take any sedatives or painkillers. I was full in control... The doctors and nurses said that only very rarely do they see labors as easy as mine.
I am thoroughly delighted with HypnoBirthing and am so excited that we used this method. Chuck and I really enjoyed working with you and appreciated your commitment to answering our questions.
Crack Cocaine Addiction

What I really liked about The Hypnosis Center's program is that it gives me personal joy for being who I am. It also has kept me away from drugs and alcohol when regular treatment programs failed. I 'm less stressed and rarely on edge. This is a very comfortable new life I have started. Thank you.
Weight Loss

I can't begin to tell you how you have changed my life! I walked out of your office into a whole new life; and it's wonderful beyond belief! You have helped me discover that I can not only eat far less, but also quit snacking--and enjoy it! I used to give myself the same lecture in the shower each morning, "today you are going to eat healthy!" Throughout the day I would berate myself for not sticking to that plan... I no longer think about food (and) where my next snack is coming from... Now I like eating the healthy stuff!... During the last week I lost six pounds... These past two weeks have been the happiest of my life...Sincerely
Linda N.

Help me to stop gritting my teeth! Those were my words to you, when I made my appointment. For months there has been tension between myself and my siblings... I couldn't stop gritting my teeth. My jaws ached! ...I am still amazed at the cleansing experience... I have quit gritting my teeth... My life has change! I feel so in control. Thank you... Positive changes are happening for me. My next goal is to quit smoking. I'll be back soon!
Skeptic on hypnosis before--believer now.
Patti M.
Motivation and Confidence

Hypnosis is an interesting experience--nothing like I expected. I find that I am viewing myself in a different light. It gives me more confidence to realize that I am a worthwhile person...
I'm ready to set my goals for my business and work toward them. I realize that, even though I have always worked at rather conventional jobs, I have always harbored a desire to have my own business.
Thanks for your help.
Stress Management and Mood

I really like the compassion that you use in your sessions. It really makes me feel like you care. Not only does it make me feel better, but it makes the hypnosis process easier and more effective. I've experienced a difference in my relaxation, and mood, and confidence. But most of all is the way I look at my problems and how to solve them. Last week I purchased the book, "Healing Is Remembering Who You Are" and it really gives helpful information on what I've gone through in the sessions and what to work on in the future.
Weight Loss

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Life is great again! Your diet plan of hypnosis is working.
Bill M.

Weight Loss
I just wanted to write a note to you to say a "BIG THANKS!" I came to you for 3 sessions last Feb 97 for weight control. My goals was to lose 25 lbs. this year. With your great help I lost my weight in 6 months!! I've never lost weight this easily or felt this great about it. Also, with your help in my dealing with a couple of my emotions and putting me back in control... My life has been so much better in other areas... I would recommend you to anyone, in fact I have.
Supporting Medical Professionals

My son Alex has chronic renal failure and after only one session with you his labs for determining the amount of loss of kidney function had improved considerably. So much so that his Dr. has postponed dialysis or transplantation indefinitely. We look forward to next month when he has had 4 sessions with you, and seeing how his lab results have improved even more.
Thank you so much for your help. It literally is a life saver.
Click on any letter on this page to see it full size.
Click on any of these letters to read a full-sized copy of the letter.
More letters on file at The Hypnosis Center office.
You Can Be Next!
We have all of these letters and more on file and available for your viewing at The Hypnosis Center office.
Individual results may vary. Individual motivation is a factor in your success.