Hypnosis Training: Banyan Hypnosis Certification Super Course Overview
Our curriculum is designed to provide a complete approach to hypnosis which enables you to immediately become a practicing Hypnotist working with weight, smoking and stress problems for both individuals and groups. Upon completion of the Level I and Level II (5-PATH®) training, you will be able to help clients deal with fears and anxieties, self-confidence and esteem issues, sports performance, sales performance and most problems presented to Hypnotists.
Thought provoking. Inspirational.
Davyd Lefkovich, MD (Soviet Trained Hypnotherapist)
This is a practical 'hands on' program that is well balanced with solid theoretical foundations. Participants are encouraged to explore their own perspectives in the context of learning from others. There is no shortage of new information with the opportunity to review... The program is helpful for the new student as well as those with prior training.
Don F. Johnson, M.Div., Ph.D
Course Outline
What Is Hypnosis?
A complete technical and simple explanation of hypnosis is explored. Concepts of primary and secondary suggestibility are introduced.
What is 5-PATH® Hypnosis?
Learn how hypnosis can change lives in ways that willpower alone cannot.
Preliminary Suggestibility Tests.
The purpose and types (authoritarian and permissive) are discussed, demonstrated and practiced.
Recognition and Classification of Subjects.
An in-depth discussion of the qualification of subjects, including common fallacies we encounter, occupational susceptibility, age and susceptibility of highly impressionable and emotional people.
Hypnotic Miscellany.
Mechanical aids, post-hypnotic suggestions as convincer, deepening techniques and topics, such as negative word traps, are discussed.
Uncovering Techniques.
The rationale for using regression techniques is discussed. Demonstrations include affect-bridge, date and age regression, and automatic writing.
Private Training.
A personalized program is designed for qualified individuals wishing to study hypnosis privately. The program is based on individual needs.
7th Path Self-Hypnosis®.
A Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to using hypnosis in a High-Powered way. Experience this holistic approach to self-hypnosis during the class. Then use it in hypnosis or teach it to groups.
Ongoing Support For All Our Graduates.
Support email groups, individual email, by telephone, and ongoing supervision with Cal Banyan, by subscription, or CDs.
How To Hypnotize.
A three-step classical hypnotic induction procedure, plus rapid and instant inductions will be taught and explained. The techniques are demonstrated by the instructor and practiced by the students.
Methods of Emerging From Hypnosis.
In addition to learning how to emerge the subject from hypnosis, additional techniques are shown, that can make this the most powerful part of the entire session.
Depth States of Hypnosis.
Participants are introduced to the six depth stages of hypnosis and the criteria for judging trance depth.
Influences on Hypnosis.
In this lesson, we discuss the influence of light, color, temperature, odors, music, sound, emotions, and their effect on inducing hypnosis. Also ethics and safety concerns for the Hypnotist to consider.
The First Session with A Client.
The timing and structure of the first hypnosis session with a client is outlined and practiced. How to explain hypnosis to the client and which induction method to use. How to make almost anyone hypnotizable through proper preparation.
From the First Session to the Last.
Participants are taught to structure all sessions with clients, including the use of 5-PATH® and 7th Path™, and what to do when clients return to work on additional issues.
How to Set Up a Hypnosis Practice. Learn about How it is done in a Model Hypnosis Center!
The varied possibilities and options open to enhance a profitable hypnosis practice are explored. This includes how to start, expand and market ones private practice. The methodology and structure of developing a teaching practice, and marketing ones hypnosis programs.
Working Spiritual Issues.
Our process takes into account the whole person and the course covers how to handle the unusual circumstance of spiritual issues impeding success.
Much more... Don't plan anything else for these 10 days!
Additional Techniques Beyond the NGH Lesson Plan... So many extras!
How to consistently get your clients to regress to the problem and neutralize it.
How to reduce the problem of false memories by keeping your sessions contamination free.
How to update hypnotic scripts to make them more powerful. Find out what part of the hypnosis session is the best time to give hypnotic suggestions.
How to do Parts Work, Forgiveness Work, Informed Child and Informed Adult Hypnosis (structured process of 5-PATH®).
Also, how to work with difficult clients who believe that they cannot be hypnotized and have failed with less well trained hypnotists.
This course is a great investment. You can earn back your investment after seeing only a few clients or offering a couple of self-hypnosis classes!
All Required Hypnosis Training Materials
Are Included In the Tuition

With the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. training programs, all of your required materials are included in the cost of the courses.
No additional purchases are required. In fact, we are including, at no extra charge, materials that go beyond those required by the NGH.
We also offer additional books, tapes and training videos for those who wish to purchase them and continue to learn more at a reduced price while you are in the course. But these materials are not required.
INCLUDED Basic Student Manual - Level I, covering fundamentals of hypnosis, use of classical and modern approaches to hypnosis, ethical concerns, waking suggestion, suggestibility testing, hypnosis scripts and more. Plus modern inductions and procedures such as the Elman-Banyan hypnotic induction.
INCLUDED Advanced Hypnosis Manual - Level II, covers instant inductions that work every time, covert testing, advanced deepening techniques, hypnotic age regression, forgiveness work, parts work, and much more.
INCLUDED NGH Membership For One Year! After you complete the program you become a member of the world's oldest and largest hypnosis organization, which offers many more benefits than mentioned here.
INCLUDED Certification in 5-PATH® Advanced Hypnosis, as you receive the information that you need to master age regression and other advanced techniques, you learn our exclusive approach that has brought clients and students from across the country and around the world to our training programs.
INCLUDED Special Training on Marketing, so that you will know how to generate lots of business for your new hypnosis practice. You will also find out how to answer the telephone so that the potential client who is calling around and checking out hypnotists will want to book with you.
INCLUDED Beautiful 11 by 14 inch Certificates, showing that you are qualified to use the titles, Master Hypnotist, 7th Path™ Teacher and 5-PATH® Hypnotist. Each certificate states plainly the accomplishments you have achieved by completing this professional training program. Plus another showing that you are 5-PATH® Certified.
INCLUDED 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher Certification enables you to teach this very special Mind-Body-Spirit approach to self-hypnosis. You will learn how to use self-hypnosis for yourself and how to teach it to classes or individual clients. Teaching self-hypnosis to classes is a great way to build your clientele! Includes the Get On the Path 7th Path™manual.
BRING AN EMPTY SUITCASE! You will need the extra space to take everything that you get in this class back home with you. PLUS, to aid you in getting everything that you want for your business, there are discounts available during the course on just about every book and tape that you find on this web site and some items that are only available to our graduates!
INCLUDED Cal Banyan's and Gerald Kein's book, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: Basic To Advanced Techniques For The Professional, an indispensable guide to conducting successful hypnosis sessions, using waking suggestion, direct suggestion and age regression techniques.
Get all of the resources that you need for ongoing professional development, plus some extras!
FREE web page on our hypnosis directory site! Any graduate of one of our hypnosis courses gets a free web page! Wow! You can start getting clients in your area right away. Our graduates tell us that this is easily worth the price of the whole course.
Easy ordering of books, tapes, videos, cassettes, etc. online via our web site, email or by telephone and discounts during class.
NEW - Now you also get two audio programs on how to use 5-PATH® to help clients with smoking and weight loss! This used to cost extra, but we wanted everyone to go home with these courses on CD, that we have included them in the course.
FREE re-attendance of any of our NGH Certification Courses as a refresher for up to one year after completing the course, (Sometimes there may be a small fee if the training is conducted in a hotel where the instructor is charged by the hotel for everyone in the class, but the cost is much less than would be the regular cost of the course.)
Join our FREE online e-mail group where our Graduates from all across the USA and around the world can ask questions, share experiences and more. You will also have access through this group to hypnosis scripts and procedures that are updated as they are continually developed at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc.
FREE answers to questions over the telephone and email. We regularly answer our graduate's questions about hypnosis. This kind of support is free to our students because we find that most questions of this kind can be answered in just a few minutes. Knowing that when this kind of support is at hand greatly increases confidence and the speed in which you grow as a hypnotist. Our success comes from your success!
I enjoyed seeing how to incorporate my psychological training with hypnotherapy. I was amazed to see how rapidly hypnosis could work on the same issues that would take a much longer period of time in talk therapy. I received much more in this class than I expected.
Deanne H. Monzel, MA
Excellent class. Class was presented in an easily understood format. Felt comfortable with the material (without having a psychology degree).
Barbara Simpson
A holistic approach that touches on emotions which are difficult to get at in the "talk therapy." Very useful. The delivery of the course was very well organized, lectures and content were systematically given. The handouts were great!
Lydia Hoalim, MA, Psychologist, Singapore
It has provoked an incredible amount of thought and feeling, cleansing, healing and reconstructing as well as knowledge that fits with other theories and practices in Psychology.
Marshall Leaf, Ph.D. Psychologist, New Zealand
What a wonderful way to teach others to help themselves and build a successful practice at the same time. I have already started setting up a class at a local school.
I Just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed very much the hypnosis course last week. I feel like I have learnt something useful that can be applied to helping others... I am also very glad to learn the 7th Path™ and feel that it is something I can relate to and I can teach others. ...This is the best course I have taken so far.
Yeow Khing, Student from Singapore (Banker)
Course was very well organized and systematic. Plenty of information and details. Instructions were clear and precise. Instructor was very patient, warm and encouraging. I've gained a lot of insights, tips and knowledge. A really good course. I'll highly recommend this course to my friends.
Nicon Chin, MA - Singapore (Psychologist)
Excellent mix of formal instruction and practical hands-on experience. The skills I've learned can benefit, not only a clinical population, but are useful in everyday experience. Course content comes alive at the hands of a master teacher. Thanks.
Cory Davis, Psy.D.- Missoula, Montana (Licensed Clinical Psychologist)
This class was the most comprehensive, extensive training I have ever taken. It was challenging and I felt like I not only got my money's worth but I am a qualified hypnotherapist. My personal growth, thinking processes and outlook on life is changed.
Kinshasha Kambui, MA - St. Paul, Minnesota (Counselor/Radio Show Host)
I believe that the information given and techniques I have been taught in this course are the most valuable tool I have ever received to use to assist people in their healing process. Although challenging and occasionally even scary, the course was always inspiring, exciting, and exceedingly well taught. Thank you for the wisdom and the laughs.
Rosanne Steinhart, RN - Minneapolis, Minnesota (Nurse)
This is so much more than I ever expected. The class provided a vast amount of information as well as a lot of practical work. I was happy that so many different subjects were covered, from sports improvement and stage hypnotism to past life regression and spirit releasement techniques.
Rebecca Swim, BA - Minneapolis, Minnesota (Scientist/Researcher)
The material was clear and understandable. The actual hands-on experiences were fantastic, a must have! I found this training to be life changing. I really value this training and now see myself as Tracy Ketterling, the Hypnotherapist.
Tracy Ketterling, BS - Brooklyn Park, Minnesota (Teacher)
I loved the class. The class was not only filled with so much information but it was so personally rewarding. I feel prepared to start practicing hypnotherapy. The practical work in the class really helped me nail down the techniques we discussed in class.
Melanie J. Foster, BA - Minneapolis, Minnesota (Hypnotherapist)
I enjoyed the Mind-Body-Spirit approach. The class is clear and a lot of good, interesting information is given in an understandable way. It surprised me how much can be achieved in 2-5 hypnotherapy sessions--more powerful than conventional counseling. Great class! Very worthwhile.
Jennifer J. Braun, MS - Minneapolis, Minnesota (Counselor)
The class was much different than I expected. I thought I would be learning the technique of hypnosis PERIOD. I found that I discovered more about myself. This transformation of me, will give me the confidence to help with the transformation of others.
Paul E. Gilmore, CRNA - Harrisburg, South Dakota (Nurse Anesthesist)
Excellent course, great presentation, also appreciated the many handouts. Most particularly helpful are the hands-on experience and the dialog between the class and the instructor.
Mark A. Smalley, LSW - Tulsa, Oklahoma (Social Worker)
The class was very interesting and informative; I feel like I obtained a good base of knowledge about hypnosis and good practice in hypnotizing people. the instructor was very knowledgeable and is an excellent practitioner of his craft.
Tracy Nelson-Bungert, RN - Minneapolis, Minnesota (Nurse)
This class was very well organized and presented in a logical and understandable manner. I thoroughly enjoyed the interactions with the instructor and fellow students. I was challenged to go beyond my normal thought processes and expand my consciousness. The opportunity to practice the techniques was very beneficial. Receiving feedback on my use of the techniques increased my confidence in establishing my own hypnosis practice. This was an excellent course! The instructor was very positive and skillful in his approach to the material. I know that I will be able to incorporate this course into my current and future nursing practice. I would highly recommend this course. The days went by quickly!
Kris Hodson, RN, BSN - Minneapolis, Minnesota (Nurse)
Interesting, fun & powerful. Fast paced. Life changing class.
Donna Evans Calin, BSSW - Minneapolis, Minneapolis (Social Worker)
I was/am so impressed with the contents of this course and how it is presented. I am certain I will be able to use them to begin a rewarding career in helping others.
Michelle Langlinais - Hutchinson, MN (Owner of Willow Tree Hypnotherapy Center)
The training I received here was very informative. The answers to questions I been looking for, for years have been found in this course! It has been very insightful and I will use it in my everyday life for the rest of my life.
Larry A. Jackson - Duluth, MN (Business Owner)
Call our office if you have any questions about this course. Out telephone numbers are 469-969-2176 or 800-965-3390.
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