Techniques of Hypnotic Induction
By George Gafner
One of the most challenging parts of the practice of clinical hypnosis is the creation and use of hypnotic inductions. The therapy phase of the hypnotic process can consist of a story, an age regression, or any one of a myriad number of techniques. The bottom line is, the therapist must successfully induce trance so that the client is prepared for what follows. That's what this book is about, the induction and how to use them in clinical practice effectively.
This book contains both direct and indirect inductions. The direct inductions are guided imagery experiences that invite clients to imagine immersing themselves in a structured experience. Other clients though, appreciate less structure or they may be wary of hypnosis, or resistant to letting go. They do not like to be told what to feel. These clients may not like guided imagery inductions but instead, respond well to story inductions, as they appreciate an approach that permits them to experience any variety of hypnotic phenomena of their choosing.
Metaphors are used in both types of inductions. With story inductions, trance occurs when you read your client a story about someone else who develops interesting sensations in his or her body. These inductions are easy, non-threatening, and usually fail safe. Such a metaphorical approach gets in underneath the radar and cannot be defended against. When clients don't respond to a story or guided imagery induction, the author introduces a confusion induction.
Sections cover:
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Story inductions
- Finding your own voice
- Guided imagery inductions
- Confusion inductions, and much more.
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 1845902920
Published: January, 2010
220 pages