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Hypnotically Enhanced Treatment for Addictions: Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, Gambling, Weight Control, and Smoking Cessation

Hypnotically Enhanced Treatment for Addictions: Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, Gambling, Weight Control, and Smoking Cessation


By Joseph Tramontana

There is a dearth of literature and training experiences on the use of hypnosis in the treatment of alcohol abuse/problem drinking, drug abuse, and gambling. Most of the work done ith hypnosis for addictions focus on smoking and weight loss programs.

This book offers new strategies, techniques, and scripts as well as a review of traditional methods of treating addictions in an outpatient population. The five key addictions addressed are:

  • alcohol abuse and dependency
  • drug abuse and addiction
  • gambling compulsions/obsessions and addiction
  • tobacco addiction (including cigars, pipes and chew)
  • food addiction/compulsions.

Many of the techniques and strategies incorporate a variety of therapeutic modalities, including: cognitive-behavioral techniques, reframing and other NLP techniques, systematic desensitization, covert sensitization, 12-step-programs, guided imagery and meditation, and more. The techniques described can be employed both in and out of trance.

This is the book I've been waiting for. Dr. Tramontana has distilled his years of experience as a psychologist and hypnotherapist to create a concise guide that every therapist will want to use to enhance his or her practice and help addictions patients get well. It is a must read for every conscientious therapist. --Bruce N. Eimer, PhD, ABPP, Board Certified Licensed Psychologist, Fellow, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, author of Hypnotize Yourself Out Of Pain Now!

A truly practitioner oriented book-written in first person, the author takes you through a personal journey of treating addictions using hypnosis, integrating cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, and neuro-linguistic programming approaches. Beginners and advanced practitioners, alike, will find the book "user friendly" with plenty of metaphors, stories, scripts, and techniques. --V. K. Kumar, PhD, Professor, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

It is surprising that so little has been written about hypnosis for treating addictions, since it has been so successful in treating other refractory medical and mental disorders. Dr. Tramontana uses it skillfully, and his strategy and scripts are easy to follow. --Dabney M. Ewin, MD, Past President of ASCH, author of Ideomotor Signals for Rapid Hypnoanalysis

About the Author: Joseph Tramontana, PhD has been a Licensed Clinical Psychologist for 38 years and is a long-standing member of the American, Mississippi, and Louisiana Psychological Associations. He received Certification in Clinical Hypnosis from the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, and has been using these techniques in his practice for the past 30 years.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 0982357362
Published: August, 2009
160 pages