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Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation: An NLP and Hypnotherapy Practictioner's Manual

Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation: An NLP and Hypnotherapy Practictioner's Manual


By David Botsford

One of the first books written for Hypnotherapy and NLP Practitioners that is devoted entirely to the use of these techniques in enabling smokers to quit their habit. Written by an experienced hypnotherapist, this volume first provides an overview of the nature of hypnotic transformation and the psychology of the smoker and then goes on to show why it is not enough to enable the smoker to stop during the sessions - the therapist must also prepare the client for every situation in the real world to be able to stay a non-smoker for life.

Combining Ericksonian hypnotherapy and NLP with techniques taken from cognitive therapy, yoga and stress management, the book shows how to deal with every possible situation in smoking cessation. It shows how to influence the client before each session, how to deal with the client upon arrival to each session, and how to teach self-hypnosis and other techniques which will help maintain the client as a non-smoker after each session. Finally it provides a practical plan for marketing a hypnotherapy smoking cessation service at low cost but high impact. This book is an essential addition to every hypnotherapist's library - and one which readers will refer to again and again in their therapeutic work.

David Botsford has written a book which is of superbly high standard. He challenges us to see the smoking issue against a wider backdrop and to see that our own work extends outside the actual session of hypnotherapy. The whole work is insightful and is one of the most valuable reference manuals that I have ever come across. I would say that this is an essential addition to the bookshelf of every hypnotherapist. This will soon be regarded as the best book available in this field. It certainly deserves to be given this distinction. -- David Slater, BA, DHyp, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Counsellor

About the Author: David Botsford is a clinical hypnotherapist with a practice in Harley Street, London, where he works particularly in the areas of personal growth, emotional well-being and smoking cessation. He trained with the National School of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, and became an NLP Practitioner with McKenna-Breen. He is a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy and contributes to the Hypnotherapy Journal.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 184590074X
Published: October, 2007
248 pages