Cal Banyan's Hypnosis Etc. Podcast Set

$149.70 $104.79
NEW! Hours & Hours of Banyan Hypnosis Training on audios! The First 150 "Hypnosis, Etc." Training Episodes

This project has been in the works for a long time, and it has to be one of the best audio deals available in the world of hypnosis training!
It was your idea! Over the years, I have received emails from viewers of the, Cal Banyan’s Hypnosis, Etc. Show (with Celeste Hackett, Meredith Locher, and/or Elronn Ferguson), saying we wish we could take the audio version of the program with us when we are away from our computers!
Meredith Locher,
Celeste Hackett,
Elronn Ferguson,
That is why we have gathered up the first 150 episodes of fun, interesting and informative hypnosis training and put them in a series of 6 volumes. Each volume contains 25 episodes and is contained in 10-12 audios!
Now you can become un-tethered from your computer:
Listen to our, oh so fun, and informative hypnosis training in your car.
Listen to it on your home stereo or boom box while you do other things at home.
Listen to them in NGH Chapter meetings or other hypnosis meet-ups!
Copy or "Rip" them to your iPod, iPhone, or other mp3 player.
Add them to your library for easy reference in the future.
Makes a great gift for the hypnotist or hypnotist in your family or friend.
Get Cal when he was doing the program by himself, and also with his co-hosts!
Now, here’s the best part! Each volume (containing 25 episodes on 10-12 audios) is going to be priced at $24.95 only! The entire set of 6 volumes is valued at $149.70! That is about 70 hours of advanced, up to date, hypno-1%er™ training for an incredible price, that you can use any time and almost anywhere.
That is right, you get hours & hours of Banyan hypnosis training on audios for:
The whole set for just $149.70!
Or, select single volumes for only $24.95!
150 Episodes Contained in Six Volumes:
Volume 1 Click for episode titles.
Volume 2 Click for episode titles.
Volume 3 Click for episode titles.
Volume 4 Click for episode titles.
Volume 5 Click for episode titles.
Volume 6 Click for episode titles.
Get the whole set for only $149.70.
As I said at the top of the page, this project has been in the works for a long time, and it has to be one of the best audio deals available in the world of hypnosis training! It is a HUGE value, so act now!
To order an individual volume, click here: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5 & Volume 6.