Yes – You CAN Conduct Hypnosis Sessions Online with GREAT Results
Safely, Professionally, Ethically AND Effectively
$169.95 Includes the Complete Course Package on videos

- Includes the Exam, Certification and Certificate of Completion
- Approved for 7 to 8 Hours of National Guild of Hypnotists CEUs
- Video Distance Learning Course with Certification Option
$169.95 $118.97
OR, If you would rather take this course live online with Cal Banyan check to see when it is offered again live. Check Schedule
Professionals are moving to online sessions! There are some very good reasons to move all or part of your hypnosis practice online. Cal Banyan knows. In fact, he was asked to write the official National Guild of Hypnotists, Standards of Practice for Conducting Hypnosis Sessions Online which are on the NGH website.
Those standards were first created for the 5-PATH® International Association of Hypnosis Professionals’ certification course for conducting hypnosis sessions online, and then adapted for the NGH standards. Now you can receive training by Cal Banyan to conduct hypnosis sessions online and be certified by the 5-PATH® IAHP!
The current 1-day certification course schedule is below.
5-PATH® IAHP Certification to Conduct Sessions Online
Professional Certification to Conduct Online Hypnosis Sessions Enables You to Provide YOUR Potential Clients the Ability to Make an Informed Choice When Choosing a Hypnosis Professional to Work with Online
The 5-PATH® IAHP is dedicated to providing the best training programs for the profession of hypnosis and hypnotherapy so that you can provide the highest quality sessions.
In an effort to do this, we have looked to the future and saw that more and more helping professionals are conducting sessions online. Of course, this also includes hypnosis professionals around the world.
Learn more about the 5-PATH® International Association of Hypnosis Professionals by going to the organization’s website,
Setting the Standards for Online Hypnosis Sessions
To ensure that you can provide the highest standards in online hypnosis sessions, Cal Banyan and the 5-PATH® IAHP created the very first certification and training program for hypnotists and hypnotherapists to enable you to conduct hypnosis sessions that are safe, professional, ethical and effective.
So, you will see that a growing number of hypnosis service providers are now certified to conduct sessions online. We believe that the best and the most professional are certified through the 5-PATH® IAHP and trained by Cal Banyan, the one who established the standards.
Note: Hypnotists do not have to have this certification to conduct sessions online, unless their membership in a hypnosis organization requires it. However, those who have been certified by Cal Banyan and the 5-PATH® IAHP are much more confident and competent providing sessions online and have this certificate, ensuring the public and potential clients that the hypnotist has been educated and evaluated in the following areas of conducting hypnosis sessions online:
Ethics & Safety
Administrative Processes
Session Environmental Factors
Online and Session Confidentiality
Online Security Issues
Use of Conferencing Platforms
Quality Online Hypnosis Techniques
Here are just a few of the benefits to you, the hypnosis professional:
Less expensive to get started in the profession if you do online only at first.
Less expensive to maintain an “office” because it is virtual.
May be safer for the hypnotist because unethical touching could not be alleged.
May be safer for the hypnotist because of not being placed in physical proximity to clients.
May enable the hypnotist to serve a greater number of clients because of ability to serve clients anywhere in the world.
May have fewer no-shows when you eliminate variables like distance, traffic, travel time and the hassle of having to drive to a location.
May also be able to conduct sessions when traveling.
May better able to see clients after hours when done online.
May be healthier for the hypnotist because of not being exposed to germs from seeing multiple clients in person.
Ability to “time shift” and see clients in the evening by serving clients in other time zones
Don’t have to be concerned about noise from sessions being heard and bothering other people in the office.
ALL OF THIS TOGETHER means a more profitable, secure and satisfying hypnosis practice.
Here are just a few of the benefits for your clients:
Greater confidentiality because clients will not be seen going into your office.
Greater convenience for your clients because they don’t have to travel.
Saves time because of not having to travel to appointments.
Sessions may be more accessible because there may be no hypnotists in their area.
May feel more able to self-disclose because of distance.
May feel more able to self-disclose when in a familiar home environment.
Weather is much less of a factor in getting to appointments.
May be the only way they can see you because some folks cannot leave their homes.
May be the only way extremely shy or fearful clients will seek out sessions.
May be the only way a client can see you because of transportation issues.
May be the only way for clients who do a lot of traveling can see you.
Client saves money when they don’t have to travel, especially clients from out of town.
Client may be more hypnotizable and go deeper into hypnosis online because she is feeling safe because of the home environment or because of distance from the hypnotist.
Experiencing the transformation in their own home environment may better enable your client to transfer the positive effects of your hypnosis session into their normal lives, at home.
ALL OF THIS TOGETHER means more clients and a more profitable, secure and satisfying hypnosis practice.
This Course Is 100% Online
This certification course is about a day long, usually about 7 hours with a 30-minute lunch break. It is completely online and limited to only about 20 students. Here are some real screenshots from a couple of recent online classes.
This Class Is Highly Reviewed and Covers All the Concerns You and Your Clients May Have About Conducting Hypnosis Sessions Online
We understand that it is normal to have concerns about doing something as new and as important as conducting your hypnosis sessions online.
We did the research and made a list of the major concerns that hypnotists had about hypnosis sessions online. Below is the list. In class we go over how to handle each and every issue in a safe, professional, ethical and effective way.
Concerns Covered and Addressed in Class
- What if your client doesn’t have an adequate computer?
- What if the power goes out during a session?
- What if your client’s house catches on fire, or other non-medical emergency?
- What if there is a medical emergency?
- What if your client’s location is too noisy?
- What if there are interruptions by family members, pets, etc.?
- What if the Internet connection goes down during the session?
- What if you can’t see your client’s face clearly during the session?
- What if you can’t see your client’s finger signals, head nods, etc.?
- What if your client doesn’t know how to use video conferencing?
- What if your client doesn’t have an adequate chair or recliner to do the session?
- What if you have to have your clients fill out forms?
- What if you want to get paid for the sessions?
- What if you want to show your client a video, like the pre-talk video?
- What if your client is concerned about confidentiality?
- What if you want to record your hypnosis sessions?
- What if your client becomes emotional during the session (privacy)?
- What if you need to contact your client about scheduling, etc.?
- What if you are not trained in using inductions, deepening, depth-testing without touching the client, which are necessary when doing hypnosis sessions online?
- What if the online situation leaves you and your client not feeling as “connected” to you as when you are face-to-face?
This Complete Certification Course Answers All of These Questions and Gives You the Training and Information to Be Confident When Providing Hypnosis Sessions Online.
Schedule for the 5-PATH® IAHP Certification Course for Conducting Hypnosis Sessions Online (World-Wide Online Class) taught by Cal Banyan.
These courses fill up. You can enroll below on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Certification Course to Conduct Hypnosis Sessions Online Video
$169.95 Includes the Complete Course Package on videos

- Includes the Exam, Certification and Certificate of Completion
- Approved for 7 to 8 Hours of National Guild of Hypnotists CEUs
- Video Distance Learning Course with Certification Option
Or Call: (469) 969-2176 or 800-965-3390
OR, If you would rather take this course live online with Cal Banyan check to see when it is offered again live. Check Schedule
Feedback and Comments from Graduates of THIS Course
A great course which would greatly benefit any practitioner who wants to conduct sessions online, whether just starting out or experienced, the content is second to none and addresses every possible aspect of internet work.
The course lasted 7 hours and was packed with great nuggets of information with no “padding” in fact, Cal used his dry humour and no nonsense “drill, drill, drill” persona to keep the course flowing at a swift pace, not allowing the class to side track the process with stories and other non-essential information. There was a lot of information to go through and all the course handouts arrived by email the day before.
There was a Q & A session at the end to make sure everyone left with all their questions answered. I definitely learned a lot and now know the ‘tips and tricks’ to improve my sessions 100% and come across in a professional way. This is definitely the way forward, so thank you, Cal.
Bob Bees, BS, CH, U.K.
I was very satisfied with today’s workshop. The Banyan team always does a thorough job of putting together any educational program. I appreciated the time built in for questions throughout the day. Thank you. This was truly ‘Everything you need to know about Online hypnosis.’ You prepared us for any scenario. Deborah Quigley, MS, CH, Long Island, NY
This class was extremely informative for me. It helped a lot with many of my questions to start an online hypnosis practice. Cal is extremely knowledgeable and experienced and answers with precision. The interactions with the other members were also very interesting. Chantal Forgues., RN
I liked this class very much. It was informative and covered topics that I am curious about. The technical aspects and the adaptations necessary to provide successful hypnosis sessions online. The Zoom format of the class worked so well. Cal’s delivery was great – and by the end of the class there was a real feeling of camaraderie. Christine Larkin, BS
I liked this class very much. It was informative and covered topics that I am curious about. The technical aspects and the adaptations necessary to provide successful hypnosis sessions online. The Zoom format of the class worked so well. Cal’s delivery was great – and by the end of the class there was a real feeling of camaraderie. Christine Larkin, BS
I know that importance of following the ethical standards for conducting online sessions and I wanted to gain more knowledge and confidence. I was very happy to receive an email and learned about this course. Very informative class and I get what I want from this class.
All of my questions were perfectly answered by Cal and I gained my knowledge. Now I am feeling more certain and confident conducting online sessions. Thank you, Cal, Maureen and Tasha for this amazing course!
Rena Barker, CH
I have been doing hypnosis for twenty years; always learn something new whenever I train with Cal Banyan. Robert Collier, CH
The reason I took this course was to be a little more familiar with Zoom meeting with strangers and if circumstances permit, I could do online therapy sessions as filling up the gap until the office setup is ready (Currently I am preparing to start a hypnotherapy practice and make a website after relocation.)
But after this course, I might change it to the online hypnosis as my core operation. There are so many benefits to do online sessions for the clients, not only for my side.
Since I am not active as a hypnotist, I wasn’t familiar with Safety, Confidentiality and Ethical issues even in face-to-face hypnosis sessions and all my concerns were gone because it seems like online session is much easier to handle these issues. Additionally, I would get a certificate!
Thank you, Cal again for this informative course. And Tasha was very helpful, thank you!”
Tamami Sylvester, CH
I have participated with great benefit in the training for Professional Certification to Conduct Online Hypnosis Sessions with Cal Banyan. The training was very professional and well planned. The content was structured and easily accessible. Cal Banyan is an excellent teacher and manages to keep the content interesting and never boring. I look forward to many successful online hypnosis sessions in the future. Peter Sivebaek, BS MPF, Denmark
“Even though I do online work (make personalized hypnosis mp3’s for clients) and have for several years. I enjoyed Cal’s perspective on actually hypnotizing clients on-line (which I still haven’t done) especially including all the safety precautions for both Hypnotist and Client.
I particularly enjoyed the open book exam as it took all the fear away from writing an exam again (at 75 years of age).
I liked Cal’s teaching method including the notes to follow along with, the frequent breaks, and we were always able to ask him questions.
I really liked the fact that the students were from many different countries and states.
I don’t have any comments re: To Improve. I enjoyed it all.
Linda E Hay RN, BScN
The class was very helpful in making the transition between in person sessions to online sessions. Cal made it fun and informative. I feel like both myself and my clients will benefit from my having had this training. Thanks, you guys! Holly Davis