The Banyan Online Hypnotherapy Supervision Program

Calvin D. Banyan, MA, the developer of 5-PATH® & 7th Path Self-Hypnosis™
Each week the most dedicated graduates of the 5-PATH® & 7th Path Self-Hypnosis™ systems meet online with Cal Banyan to learn all the advanced techniques that were not covered in class.
- Build Skills & Increase Confidence
- Get a Deeper Understanding of the Advanced Techniques
- Learn New Techniques
- Update What You Learned (or Should have Learned) In Class
- Receive Continuing Education Credits
These Online Supervision Programs will be useful to any hypnotherapist who has had his basic training and certification, and is familiar with 5-PATH®. Note that this is advanced training, and as such we recommend that you first familiarize yourself by getting our 5-PATH® Advanced Hypnotherapy Video Program. At the very least, it is recommended that you first read an article on 5-PATH®.
Special notice. If you like these Banyan Online Supervision Meeting CDs, you may want to subscribe. Call our office to learn about discounts for those who subscribe. And, if you are a graduate from one of our programs, you can qualify to subscribe to the live Banyan Online Supervision Meetings. Call 469-969-2176 or 800-965-3390. You can also email Maureen. Then you will never miss a new volume when it comes out.
Volume 1: Scrambled 5-PATH®
Cal discusses a special hypnotherapy topic - Scrambled 5-PATH-an Advanced View
Must we always start with Phase I and dutifully move through the process to Phase IV or V?
When is it appropriate to just start off with AR?
What if it takes more than one session to do an AR?
Once we complete AR, are there times when I should revisit that phase?
Can I mix up Phases like AR and FOO? Will lightning strike?
What if I think I am done with a client and she wants to keep coming back?
Volume 2: Success with Multiple ISEs
No other hypnotherapy trainer goes into any depth about how to handle clients who have multiple ISEs with multiple emotions contributing to the problem.
Learn when to suspect that your client may have multiple ISEs.
Learn which ISE/emotion combination to work with first.
Learn which ISE/emotion combinations may not need to be addressed.
Learn about when you may need to return to age regression after you have moved on to other techniques such as Parts Therapy.
Learn when to move on to the next phase of the work with confidence.
Volume 3: Dealing With Anger With AR & FOO
Cal explains how anger can cause so many of the problems that your clients are experiencing and why direct suggestion alone cannot do the full job of releasing the client from the problem, as well as giving you the tools to get it done.Learn how all feelings come from our perceptions.
Learn what perception causes anger.
Learn how to remove old feelings of anger using age regression and forgiveness.
Learn how The Secret Language of Feelings helps with age regression and forgiveness.
Learn when we should just let our clients feel anger.
Learn how having clients fully express their emotions creates the change & even can heal.
Volume 4: Doing Direct Suggestion Hypnosis Right!
So much of the work of hypnosis depends on direct suggestion work, and on this advance online supervision meeting, he lets everyone in on just how to make direct suggestion hypnosis much more powerful!
Learn exactly what Direct Suggestion is and when to use it for maximum effect.
Learn what factors affect how long your suggestions last.
Learn four different kinds of Direct Suggestion Techniques.
Learn a simple way to write scripts as you need them.
Learn how to instantly customize a script.
Learn how to greatly strengthen Direct Suggestion by using an insight technique.
Volume 5: What If They Won't Regress or Abreact?
Once you begin using these advanced techniques you need some advanced tools to make sure that you can use them. Cal tells you what you need to know to make it work, virtually every time!
Learn the reasons which cause clients to not regress and revivify the event.
Learn what to do if your client can regress but is unwilling to regress.
Learn how to handle clients when they believe that they have already done the work.
Learn how to work with clients who have difficulty or refuse to express emotions.
Learn about when you should not press them to express their feelings.
Learn about different client temperaments.
And, much more on this CD.
Volume 6: Deep Into the Informed Child Technique
Cal goes deep into the process of doing the Informed Child Technique, the most important part of any age regression process on this CD. He clears it all up and shows why he is simply one of the best instructors out there!
Learn exactly what the Informed Child Technique is and how to do it expertly.
Learn why it should be done and when it should be done.
Learn exactly how to work with ISEs, SPEs, SSEs and FREs.
Learn how to be confident that you have found the real cause of the problem.
Learn how to neutralize the cause of the client's issues.
Learn when changing your client's history is and is not permissible.
Learn how to confidently check your client to know if the work has been successful.
Volume 7: Removing Old Useless Anger with Advanced Forgiveness Hypnotherapy Techniques
There is an advanced form of parts therapy called Forgiveness Therapy, which is integrated into the 5-PATH® system. This Forgiveness of Others Therapy is specifically designed to assist your clients in freeing themselves from the past, especially old useless feelings of anger. Here are some of the main points covered in this audio program.
Find out when anger is hurting your client.
Find out when to leave anger alone, for now.
Learn about the Holodeck of the mind
How to select someone from your client's past to forgive.
How to handle unexpected situations.
How to get your client to fully express her feelings.
How to get your client to spend some time in the offender's shoes.
Learn about the 10 Keys to Forgiveness.
Learn the insider techniques so that you can get forgiveness every time.
How to determine if the anger is really gone.
Bonus - Cal answers attendees questions about their clients.
Volume 8: Banyan Star Business Model™: Building a Successful Hypnosis Center

Learn how Cal Banyan has built one of the most successful hypnosis centers in America today. He will guide you through each step using his Star Business Model™
Cal says, "Boy if I only knew then what I know now, I could have been twice as successful in half the time!" Here are the details:
Find out what kind of training it takes to build a successful center.
Learn the difference between an office and a hypnotherapy center.
Learn about his top sales and marketing techniques.
Learn how to get hypnotherapists to work for you and to do it for almost nothing!
Learn why it is so important that you sell products (there's more to it than you might think)!
Learn why it is so important that you add training to your center's services!
Find out how to make all of these things work at least 4 times better than they would by themselves.
Bonus - Cal answers questions about this topic and questions about clients.
Volume 9: Cal Banyan Answers Hypnotherapists' Questions
This special volume is dedicated exclusively to answering questions that Cal's graduates have emailed into him, or asked him during the Banyan Online Supervision Meeting. These are all practical and pertinent questions that his grads have about applying these advanced techniques to real hypnotherapeutic cases. Listen in and get the answers:
Sometimes I have to stop an age regression session before all of the work is completed, how do I get things started with the same kind of emotional intensity during the next session?
When I start a new session, what is the best way to take up where I left off? Would I use the affect bridge again?
How do I handle it if my client does not maintain somnambulism during the session?
How much releasing of emotion should I do before I begin the affect bridge?
How much emotional release should be accomplished when I work with each past event?
Help me to have a better experience when doing 7th Path Self-Hypnosis™, is it all right to use tape recordings?
More questions asked and answered!
Volume 10: Session & Client Management Skills
How long should your sessions be? One hour? An hour and a half or two? Cal Banyan talks to his subscribers about how to manage time with clients under a number of conditions, along with dealing with other issues regarding how to be more effective and successful with clients!
Learn how much time to schedule if you are new, or experienced, working with adults or children.
Learn how to determine when you are really done with each phase with each client.
Stop being fooled by the client's perception of the cause of the problem and save yourself a lot of frustration.
Learn how to determine your client's problem has an Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE).
Stop making assumptions about the cause of the problem and get to the source.
How to get clients to come back when embarrassing information comes up in an age regression session.
Volume 11: Going Beyond the 4 to 6 Session Schedule
Every client is different and a cookie-cutter approach just doesn't cut it. Cal Banyan takes the group beyond the 4 to 6 session paradigm commonly associated with 5-PATH® and discusses the many factors that can lead to having to spend more time with a client.
How to determine if you need to return to a particular Phase and how to do it correctly.
What you should do if 5-PATH® doesn't completely resolve your client's issue.
What you should do for clients that want a "booster shot."
What if new issues, emotions, erroneous beliefs and/or physical symptoms come up during a session?
How to work differently with problems that are of only a physical nature.
How to work with problems which are only of an emotional nature.
Volume 12 Part 1: Negative Spiritual Issues in a Professional Practice
Cal Banyan goes where few professional hypnotherapists dare to go and talks about the many strange things that can arise in your sessions, including spiritual attachments and dark force energies. He is also joined by Bill Lukas, who is an expert in this area and extends the discussion to some even stranger circumstances.
Who should be prepared to work with these strange phenomena?
How to protect yourself if such things come up in a session.
How to work with these "entities" without leading the client.
How to work with these without interfering with the client's belief systems.
How to integrate this unusual work with the professional approach of 5-PATH®.
Handouts for how to do the work.
How to remove/release both actual "entities" and psychological constructs.
Volume 12 Part 2: Negative Spiritual Issues in a Professional Practice
Cal Banyan goes where few professional hypnotherapists dare to go and talks about the many strange things that can arise in your sessions, including spiritual attachments and dark force energies. He is also joined by Bill Lukas, who is an expert in this area and extends the discussion to some even stranger circumstances.
Who should be prepared to work with these strange phenomena?
How to protect yourself if such things come up in a session.
How to work with these "entities" without leading the client.
How to work with these without interfering with the client's belief systems.
How to integrate this unusual work with the professional approach of 5-PATH®.
Handouts for how to do the work.
How to remove/release both actual "entities" and psychological constructs.
Volume 13 Part 1: 100+ What-Ifs
This is the one volume that has been requested by more graduates than any other volume! Cal Banyan sits down and goes through some of the most common questions asked by his students and grads over the years. And, Cal takes all the time necessary to thoroughly answer each question. If you only get one volume from this set, this is the one you need to own. All the What-If for each of the 5 Phases and more, including:
How to work with difficult clients.
What to do when things don't work.
What to do when you don't know what to do.
What to do when an age regression session go wrong.
What to do with forgiveness sessions not ending in forgiveness!
What to do when parts become uncooperative in a parts therapy session!
And, lots, and lots more of "must-have" answers.
Volume 13 Part 2: 100+ What-Ifs
This is the one volume that has been requested by more graduates than any other volume! Cal Banyan sits down and goes through some of the most common questions asked by his students and grads over the years. And, Cal takes all the time necessary to thoroughly answer each question. If you only get one volume from this set, this is the one you need to own. All the What-If for each of the 5 Phases and more, including:
How to work with difficult clients.
What to do when things don't work.
What to do when you don't know what to do.
What to do when an age regression session go wrong.
What to do with forgiveness sessions not ending in forgiveness!
What to do when parts become uncooperative in a parts therapy session!
And, lots, and lots more of "must-have" answers.
Volume 13 Part 3: 100+ What-Ifs
This is the one volume that has been requested by more graduates than any other volume! Cal Banyan sits down and goes through some of the most common questions asked by his students and grads over the years. And, Cal takes all the time necessary to thoroughly answer each question. If you only get one volume from this set, this is the one you need to own. All the What-If for each of the 5 Phases and more, including:
How to work with difficult clients.
What to do when things don't work.
What to do when you don't know what to do.
What to do when an age regression session go wrong.
What to do with forgiveness sessions not ending in forgiveness!
What to do when parts become uncooperative in a parts therapy session!
And, lots, and lots more of "must-have" answers.
Volume 13 Part 4: 100+ What-Ifs
This is the one volume that has been requested by more graduates than any other volume! Cal Banyan sits down and goes through some of the most common questions asked by his students and grads over the years. And, Cal takes all the time necessary to thoroughly answer each question. If you only get one volume from this set, this is the one you need to own. All the What-If for each of the 5 Phases and more, including:
How to work with difficult clients.
What to do when things don't work.
What to do when you don't know what to do.
What to do when an age regression session go wrong.
What to do with forgiveness sessions not ending in forgiveness!
What to do when parts become uncooperative in a parts therapy session!
And, lots, and lots more of "must-have" answers.
Volume 14 Part 1: What the Pros Know
Cal Banyan takes this opportunity to get into the "nitty gritty" as he discusses the questions that the pros ask him, as well as what he is teaching the interns at his center. Learn about the techniques that make the best 5-PATH® hypnotherapists so successful with such a wide range of issues!
Why the PTC Phase is so important and what you can do to make it really work.
What are the most important things you must know about the client before you start and what you must ignore.
How to make problems like, when your client suddenly opens her eyes during an induction, work FOR you instead of against you.
What words should be avoided in the pre-hypnosis interview!
Why you should move through your sessions at a rapid rate.
Learn exactly the right tone of voice to use for making your suggestions.
Learn the Fantastic Five Questions that must be asked during every age regression.
Learn what emotions must be neutralized and which ones must be left alone!
Learn the Drilling Down Technique to get at their real emotions behind the problem.
Learn what parts of a client's report in age regression is reliable and what is not.
How learning The Secret Language of Feelings can make your session much more successful.
There is just so much more in this multi-volume series. Take a listen to the audio samples to get an idea of how jam-packed these CDs are.
Special notice. If you like these Banyan Online Supervision Meeting CDs, you may want to subscribe. Call our office to learn about discounts for those who subscribe. And, if you are a graduate from one of our programs, you can qualify to subscribe to the live Banyan Online Supervision Meetings. Call 469-969-2176 or 800-965-3390. You can also email Maureen.